EDO is a space for presenting, exchanging and promoting research ideas and activities in the field of organisations. Its title was made official by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona in 1999, it was accredited as a consolidated research group by the Catalan government’s Department of Universities, Research and Information Society on 18 October, 2005, and its status was ratified by the in 2009 (SGR2009-397) and 2014 (2014SGR-176). Its main research focus is on the nature and development of educational organisations.

EDO’s principal objectives are to study educational organisations, processes of change and the effectiveness of existing or planned strategies for improvement. Its interests therefore include the nature of educational organisations, the different types of these, how they are organised and managed, institutional dynamics, resistance to change, the role of managers and the impact of new technologies, all of this with reference to pre-university centres, universities themselves, and other types of centres like those offering training to the unemployed, healthcare organisations, leisure centres, etc

Staff involved in the project:
– Georgeta Ion
– Joaquín Gairín
– Aleix Barrera-Corominas

Website: http://edo.uab.cat/en
E-mail: [email protected]
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GrupEDO
Twitter: https://twitter.com/GrupoEDO/